

Retrieve Discovery works with clients to identify and preserve various forms of ESI
(electronically stored information) from the key custodians in a matter.
  • list-img Develop a plan for ESI collection that preserves the metadata.
  • list-img Process ESI in a secure environment and cull the noise to focus our team of experts on the relevant information.
  • list-img Expert team of reviewers with the ability to ramp up and down rapidly to remain cost-effective for our clients to meet ESI Protocols.
  • list-img Our litigation support team can drill down into various matters and assist our clients with identifying and presenting the key issues.


Our team will work with our clients to understand the facts of their case and create a strategy and plan to efficiently manage and produce the most relevant data. Identify the keys players in the matter, the systems used to store the relevant ESI and the relationships between the data and the custodians.

Develop a plan to preserve the relevant ESI on the matter. Suspend destruction of data for key custodians and systems where ESI is stored.

Develop a collection method and plan that preserves metadata within the relevant ESI.

Retrieve will take the data provided and upload it to our eDiscovery platform where it will be processed for review. 

DeNISTing, DeDuplication and targeted searches allow us to be able to cull the data and focus our reviewers on the relevant data within the case. Additional analytics features such as email threading and similar documents assist with batching our reviews.

Our team of reviewers will work to efficiently and effectively review all the documentation to provide you with the key documents of the case.

ESI will be produced based on industry standards and Document Production Protocols. Provide access to third parties and provide support with transfers of the productions to all parties.

Provide support for finalized depositions and exhibits for court presentations.

Project Roadmap

Our team is ready to assist you with a simple cost-effect eDiscovery solution…

Step 1

Contact our eDiscovery Team to review the matter and develop an estimate.

Step 2

Locate, Preserve and Collect potential sources of ESI.

Step 3

Complete an Early Case Assessment and Cull Data for the Review Process.

Step 4

Complete a review of the data and prepare for Production.

Step 5

Provide a various level of Litigation Support to our clients.

Step 6

Once the matter has been settled, our team will work to archiving databases.